Tuesday, October 29, 2013

At 12, he pleaded guilty to many DDOS attacks

        A 12 ans, il aide Anonymous en lançant des attaques DDOS

There is no age to be gifted in one area. The computer is no exception to the rule, the examples are many young prodigies . Today, a 12 year old boy pleads guilty to numerous DDoS attacks perpetrated for the Anonymous account. He was only 11 years old at the time.
Judged by a Canadian court , the boy threw his attacks during the student demonstrations in 2012. He was enabled to bring down many sites , retrieve user accounts and administrators and even had defaced the home pages of many sites.
According to The Toronto Sun , one of the targeted sites would remain inoperative for two days , causing more than $ 60 000 damage. The Anonymous group have moreover paid the young hacker in Video Games . "It's easy to hack but do not go too far , they finally find us," he said as well .
The boy's arrest was part of a wider crackdown . His actions had "no political purpose ," according to his lawyer . Verdict is expected next month.

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