Friday, October 18, 2013

Windows 8.1: Microsoft releases its updated and reintroduced "start" button

The update of the Windows 8 operating system, which reintroduces requested by many users "Start" button is available for download since yesterday and will buy tomorrow.

Windows 8.1: Microsoft sort sa mise à jour et réintroduit le bouton "démarrer" 

Microsoft released Wednesday, Oct. 16 update to the latest version of its operating system , Windows 8.1, which reintroduces including "start" button demanded by users . It can be downloaded for free in the Windows Store online store by users of Windows 8, and will go on sale Friday on DVD and new computer equipment a variety of brands.
"Windows 8.1 demonstrates our commitment to continually improve the product to enhance the use of consumers ," said Brandon LeBlanc, a marketing manager at Microsoft on the official blog of the group.
For some analysts , the output of the update is a reaction to the passing too slowly by consumers of Windows 8, which was launched in late October 2012 and was supposed to reinvent the star of Microsoft software to suit the devices mobile , on which the group has fallen behind Apple and Google ( Android).
The traditional "Start" menu in particular had been removed and replaced with a home screen with large icons ( the " tiles " ) for use on touch screens of tablets and smartphones . This was symbolic , but very criticized by many followers of Windows .
In addition to the current crisis on the PC market , cannibalized by the rise of tablets, Microsoft is facing some analysts to insufficient supply of good hybrid touch screen products , halfway between tablet and computer , where Windows 8 was specifically designed .

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