Thursday, October 10, 2013

Global wealth: 10% of adults hold 86% of total

A study by the research institute of the banking group Credit Suisse, whose relevance extends to the end of the first half of 2013 , global wealth has reached a new record this year.
This record has been fueled by the rapid growth in North America, where investors , says Credit Suisse America have benefited from the rise in house prices and a rise in stock levels , pushing the Dow to record highs.
While wealth in Asia decreased by 3.7% , the U.S. economy showed a fifth year of growth and a 12% increase in wealth in 2013 year on year.
This is Switzerland, which has the median wealth by higher adult with 380,000 euros ahead of Australia and Norway. The United States ranks fifth, the seventh France . Median means that the property has least half , and the other has more .
The richest nations whose median wealth than 73,000 euros are concentrated in North America, Western Europe and among the countries of the Asia- Pacific and Middle East regions.In one year, the number of millionaires grew by 2 million , but two - thirds of adults in the world have 3% of the total wealth while 86 % of it is in the hands of the richest 10% .

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