Friday, October 18, 2013

At 15 years old, Google is stronger than ever

Larry Page, lors de la conférence Google I/O en mai.

Established in 1998, the American search engine has become the invincible leader of the Western Web .

In September 1998, two graduates of Stanford University are active in a garage in Silicon Valley. For two years, they are working on a new generation of search engine and just founded their company .Fifteen years later , their creation , Google is more essential than ever on the web. It is referred to find the answers to all the questions that arises delve into millions of pounds , do translations in dozens of languages ​​or move from any point of the world.To succeed in our daily lives , Google has set a goal. " Technology must do the dirty work , so that we can focus on what makes us happiest in life ," summed up in May Larry Page , founder of the company with Sergey Brin.The abundance of projects resulting sometimes gives the impression that the company is scattered . Despite all the diversification involved , Google has never yet ceased to watch over his treasure : its advertising platform. Launched in October 2000, it has quickly established itself as the best machine to make money on the Internet. It allowed him to generate a record turnover of $ 43 billion in 2012 , representing 85 % of its revenues . Archidominateur in the fixed Internet , Google will repeat this feat in the mobile, where it will pick up in 2013 more than half of industry revenue .


Looking to the future

 To power this engine advertising , Google must maintain an uninterrupted flow of online visits to its pages. He can count on its search engine , his first success , and the largest to date. Unbeatable in most countries in the world, he is responsible for 67% of searches in the United States and 91% in France . But the real performance of Google was to extend its dominance in other areas. In 2004 , he launched Gmail and ranks among the three most used in the world of e-mail services . Two years later, he spent $ 1.65 billion to buy YouTube and take a decisive lead in online video , he takes advantage today.Google knows how to anticipate change our usual and be patient . In 2008 , it launched its Chrome browser, becoming the most used browser in Europe, and its Android mobile system , which has crushed the competition in smartphones . In both cases , it is to maintain contact with Google and its advertising , regardless of the device where it connects.To achieve its goals , Google does not show feelings. Since the return of Larry Page at the helm in 2011 , many popular products, but too few paying were closed. Recent years have been marked by a series of investigations into suspected anticompetitive practices. Rivals accuse him of excluding its results in favor of its own products.Inflexible , Google plans to the future. It has launched its own laptops, Chromebook , a key to deliver Internet TV, Chromecast and turns to impose its social network Google+ . He also works on his glasses connected or autonomous cars , which will release time for drivers to access the Internet . Everything does not work, but some of these products will change the world . This is also what the Google method.

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