Friday, November 8, 2013

The Samsung Galaxy Round arrived in the United States ... over $ 1,000!

 Samsung Galaxy Round

We can keep hopeful : the Samsung Galaxy Round , this smartphone has very strange curved screen , but not mine sounds spot on trend , will soon be distributed in the United States. Then in France then ?
Sold as a prototype by Samsung , the Galaxy Round is currently going abroad. He seemed at first destined to remain cloistered in South Korea will soon be launched in the United States. Not officially , of course, but the retailer Negri Electronics announced that it has hold of some copies of unlocked smartphone, which he sold for a whopping $ 1 ... $ 129.50 . In a sense, this is pretty much the price at which it is sold on the land of Samsung .
That said , it is clear here that Samsung and LG are not all the same policy on their first mobile feature curved screens . If Samsung has deliberately decided to distribute only a few copies of the Galaxy Round, side by LG against it expects an extended G Flex output . Moreover , it will be proposed to the operator Orange in the course of 2014 . Like what .
To recap, the Galaxy Round disposes of its curved screen of 5.7 " with a quad-core processor clocked at 2.3 GHz , 3 GB RAM, 32 GB of internal memory or a battery of 2800 mAh .
To stay on topic curved screens, we published a few days ago in this paper , "Why curved screens are not just hype? " We invite you to read if you want to understand the reasons why this kind of display is by no means a fancy manufacturers , and is instead dedicated to a bright future.

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